

+2550-4286068 is a sound and light installation that plunges the visitor into different Night atmospheres within movies, rather poetic atmospheres that leave room for imagination.

The visitor enters the sets and slips into the skin of a nocturnal character. The telephone handset, whose appearance and placement in the installation change depending on the mood, is the main thread of the project: its resolutely retro aspect fits quite well to the films at our disposal. Moreover, the action of picking up is a strong gesture that involves the subject even more effectively in the experience. The latter will thus be lived through three distinct spaces featuring three major emblematic film genres:

︎ the "Black" night: dark, police and gangsters films.
︎ the “Pink” night: love and romance but also eroticism.
︎ the "Festive" night: comedies and more broadly the theme of. humor.

This nocturnal stroll among the three aforementioned spaces must allow the visitor to immerse himself completely in the movies through sound and dialogues, and thus create through our telephone interface a direct link, a certain degree of intimacy with the latter allowing him to feel a range of emotions as wide as possible.

Beyond the three spaces presented, our project has a very interesting advantage: being able to be adapted to envy.

Project made with Alice Herbreteau, Marion Robin, Vincent Monnet and Arthur Catherin

Collaboration between Gaumont, Ina Sup and Estienne

Arduino+Power supply+Rotary phone︎

︎ translation of the french presentation:
“You are about to enter a sound and light space that will immerse you in the different Night atmospheres within movies, rather poetic atmospheres that leave room for imagination.

Enter the sets, slip into the skin of a night-owl and take part in the various films you will witness.”

© clara schoenlaub, 2022